+ Jackson Winter

Jackson Winter


I am learning html in 9DIT

My favourite subjects at school are:


I am the eldest in my family

The Members of my family are:

  1. Ollie
  2. Matt
  3. Laurie


I ride an 80s female honda

an image of an 80s female honda <img src='Images/60s_Female_Honda50.jpg' height = 200px alt = 'an image of an 60s female honda'> <title 'an image of an 60s female honda'> <img src='Images/60s_Female_Honda350.jpg' height = 200px alt = 'an image of a 60s female honda'> <title 'an image of a 60s female honda'> <br> <img src='Images/download.png' height = 200px alt = 'an image of a motorbike"> <title 'an image of a motorbike'> </body> </html>